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Friday, April 15, 2011

Manage Stress To Better Your Health

     Stress is a normal psychological but yet physical response to the demands of everyday life.  Stress mostly occurs when bad things happen as well as some good things. Stress causes chemical changes in your brain and these changes can and will have an impact on your health.  Study shows that women are the most vulnerable to stress because of the emotional and physical changes in their lives.
     When you continue to push your body and work hard without the necessary breaks, you are causing stress on your body. Your body needs time to restore itself and regain energy.  Normally, the effects of stress are colds, fatigue, depression, headaches and dermatological issues. Stress can also be a contributor to hair loss, diabetes, heart diseases, strokes, and cancer.
     While stress can be impossible to eliminate from your life there are some techniques that can help.
#1-Having a Healthy Diet
A healthy diet is important because it helps maintain and improve your health.  You are what you eat.  Most people eat when they are worrying and stressed out but they don’t always consider what they are putting in their bodies and how much. Whatever you decide to eat make sure it is providing the recommended servings of nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, calcium and protein, that you need.
#2-Exercise Regularly
Exercise strengthens your heart and lungs. When you exercise daily you will have more energy and won’t find it hard to get through the day. Not only can exercising regularly help you maintain a healthy weight but it could also help reduce anxiety and depression which are results of stress.
#3-Relax. Go Get a Massage
Adding space in your daily schedule to relax can improve productivity. You work hard all day long and when you finally get home you feel drained. This is when relaxation should come into the picture. Some relaxation techniques that may fit you are Yoga and Tai Chi. Both techniques relaxes your body and clears your mind of stress. Also, try going to your local spa to get a great massage. Massages are great for releasing the body of tension.

     Stress is a fact of life. You may not be able to get rid of stress but there are ways that can lower its levels. You only have one life to live, why not take care of your body and stay healthy.  

***Not all exercises are suitable for everyone. To reduce the risk of injury, consult your doctor before beginning any exercise programs. ***

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Managing Your Lifestyle While Saving Money

The top three goals of most people for 2011 is adopting a healthier lifestyle, saving more money and losing weight and keeping it off.

     To live a lifestyle that is comfortable, manageable, and economically sustained seems to be out of the question for most Americans. With the economic downfall and rates going up from insurance to gasoline it seems that America is failing and quickly. So it is up to every American, including the President, to make every penny count. Wonder how you can do this without sacrificing your lifestyle? Here are some helpful tips.

     Tip #1 Budget, Budget, and Budget
  • Don’t spend more than you can afford. Spending money you don't have, it seems impossible to do this right? WRONG! It is very easy to get in a situation where you pay out more money than you bring in. Examples are borrowing money, even if it is from family and friends, using your credit cards (which you shouldn't have many of) irresponsiblyand taking money from your savings account. All of these methods will surely create debt for you.
     Tip #2 Eating In Instead of Out
  • Going out to restaurants used to be a luxury now it's more of a necessity. What ever happened to home cooked meals? I do understand that most of us are just too "busy" to fix dinner at home but I guarantee you cooking at home has some great benefits if you choose to start.
  • Benefit 1-Cooking allows you to destress, relax, and unwind. You can also use this time as family time and get everyone involved.
  • Benefit 2-You will have complete control over what goes inside your body and your families. There's a better chance of receiving good nutrition and know the ingredients in your food. You will become healthier and can even manage your weight.
  • Benefit #3-Most importantly you will save money!! Nowadays it is common for both parents to work to survive. So the time that it takes to prepare a meal can take it's toll. Now, you don't have to cook a gourmet meal every day. A simple and well balanced meal will do. A good cooking tool to invest in is a Crock Pot. It saves so much time.
     Tip #3 Cutting Unnecessary Fees
  • Before signing any contracts always be aware of the fine print. Make sure you read every little word. Those hidden fees can be a killer but if you know about them before you sign, you will have the option to decline. Being in control of your money and knowing where it goes will help you to save money.
     This is not all of the things that could help to save your lifestyle and produce more money but it is a start. Make sure you do research to make sure that you are getting the best deals. Just Save Money!!!